Here are the average hourly wage and salary for Speech Therapist in all 50 states, based on BLS data gathered in May 2017, listed in alphabetical order.
New MRI Technique Images Glucose in Body to Spot Tumors
Scientists at the German Cancer Research Center have developed a highly sensitive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system that can image tumors in the body, without the need for conventional contrast agents or radioactivity. Normally, doctors often inject a contrast agent into the blood before an MRI scan. The contrast agent circulates in the blood stream […]
These 6 Healthcare Certifications Will Earn You an Extra $1,000 a Month
It’s clear why you’re attracted to healthcare careers. On a personal level, healthcare certifications offer many rewards outside of financial gain. The most popular reasons for choosing healthcare as a career tend to be wanting to help others or being able to make a difference. Hospital staff and medical workers are some of our greatest […]
Study Shows Oxygen Less Functional When Nasal Cannula Worn as Headband
ATTLEBORO, MA – A recent study shows that oxygen administration is significantly less effective for patients who wear their nasal cannulas as a headband. Nasal cannulas are traditionally placed inside the nares, possibly causing mild discomfort but allowing the necessary oxygen to freely flow directly into the body through the nose. However, patients have found […]
The art of the save: Triage and the E.R.
Triage: the evaluation and categorization of the sick or wounded when there are insufficient resources for medical care of everyone at once. The Earliest Days of Triage 760-710 BC: Greek physician Pikoulis determines arrow and spear wounds have high mortality rates 1745: From this date on, combat surgeons are used 1793: Baron Dominique Larrey (father […]