1. Be An Excellent Manager of Your Own Time Medical school will overwhelm you. In the four years it will take you to get your MD, you will be presented with more information that you must master than you might have thought possible, even if you did attend a rigorous pre-med program. Accordingly, the first […]
How to Choose Your Med School Roommate
Although living alone may seem ideal, many schools will not offer single-person housing. In addition, you may actually save yourself a bunch of money by splitting your rent! While a roommate has the potential to become a very good friend, med school is hard, tension is high, competition is inevitable, and disastrous living situations are most definitely possible. Here are some tips to avoid living with slops, gunners, and debbie downers.
CanadaQBank has Reached a New Milestone: 20,000 Medical Students and Physicians Worldwide Have Subscribed
CanadaQBank’s reached a recent milestone, which is that they have gained 20,000 subscribers from 136 countries since 2011. CanadaQBank has been gradually expanding to offer more services to the community since 2008. One such service is providing institutional subscriptions to medical schools, residency programs, teaching hospitals, medical research libraries, and related organizations, such as student […]
Smart glasses for the near-blind start trials in public spaces
“Smart glasses,” which help people with poor vision boost their awareness of what is around them, are being tested in public for the first time. Researchers at Oxford University in the UK are measuring how well their invention can help the near-blind navigate around shopping malls and avoid walking into obstacles. The aim is to […]
The World’s Most Sophisticated Algorithm for Choosing a Medical Speciality
The World’s Most Sophisticated Algorithm for Choosing a Medical Speciality