Here are the average hourly wage and salary for Speech Therapist in all 50 states, based on BLS data gathered in May 2017, listed in alphabetical order.
These 6 Healthcare Certifications Will Earn You an Extra $1,000 a Month
It’s clear why you’re attracted to healthcare careers. On a personal level, healthcare certifications offer many rewards outside of financial gain. The most popular reasons for choosing healthcare as a career tend to be wanting to help others or being able to make a difference. Hospital staff and medical workers are some of our greatest […]
The art of the save: Triage and the E.R.
Triage: the evaluation and categorization of the sick or wounded when there are insufficient resources for medical care of everyone at once. The Earliest Days of Triage 760-710 BC: Greek physician Pikoulis determines arrow and spear wounds have high mortality rates 1745: From this date on, combat surgeons are used 1793: Baron Dominique Larrey (father […]
Hong Kong researchers develop safer alternative to lead in X-ray shields
Polytechnic University researchers have created a safer, lighter X-ray shield by mixing the metal used in light bulb wires with a common plastic. The combination of tungsten and polyurethane offers 40 per cent more protective than lead, which is conventionally used to protect people from radiation during X-ray procedures, yet it is 22 per cent […]
RN vs. LPN Salary
RN and LPN salaries can vary greatly from state to state. This depends mostly on cost of living and demand. According to the 2016-2017 Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average median salary for a RN is about $66,500 while the average median salary for an LPN is about […]