Scaling and root planing are beneficial in reducing the inflammation within and below the gum line. Hence, inflammation of gum disease is being kept under check, thereby preventing tooth and bone loss. Moreover, one gets rid of deep pockets, where plague can get trapped easily, giving rise to gum disease. In spite of these benefits, […]
Understanding Dental Calculus Grading: Assessing Oral Health Calculus formation in your oral health can be likened to dental plaque undergoing mineralization, and it’s a process with some interesting characteristics: Calcification Timing: The mineralization process, known as calcification, typically begins within a mere 4-8 hours after plaque formation. Speed of Mineralization: Around 50% of the plaque […]
Fact sheet: Dental calculus
Oral bacteria are inherited from your primary caregiver in early childhood, and transferred between family members later in life. Importantly, dental plaque and calculus are increasingly linked to a range of systemic diseases including cardiovascular disease, premature birth, arthritis, and diabetes. For example, bacteria from dental plaque leak through the inflamed gums into the bloodstream, […]
Nevada becomes first state to allow dental hygienists to use facial injectables!!
Like standard hygienist duties, hygienists must administer facial injectables under direct supervision of a licensed dentist who has the same skills and training to administer facial injectables. Big news was released earlier in the week as the Nevada State Board of Dental Examiners confirmed at their November meeting that dentists and dental hygienists in the […]
17 action steps for dental hygiene career success
17 Action Steps from Christine’s Interview Christine Hovliaras wanted to be an actress. So she went into New York City and took acting and commercial classes. A little known fact is that she appeared in two television commercials. She shared that she always followed her mother’s advice to be a “soul searcher” and set goals […]