17 Action Steps from Christine’s Interview
Christine Hovliaras wanted to be an actress. So she went into New York City and took acting and commercial classes. A little known fact is that she appeared in two television commercials. She shared that she always followed her mother’s advice to be a “soul searcher” and set goals and objectives to achieve success. Chris’s beautiful mother, Ruth Ann, died in 2008 from metastatic breast cancer—yet not before she helped Christine name her business, Professional Savvy. Savvy means “know how.” After 28 years in oral health care, Christine has never felt burnt-out because she always looks for opportunities.
Action Steps:
1. Set career goals and objectives. Make sure you are monitoring them.
2. Redefine your position. It is not “just a job.” It is a career, and become clear about the value you provide to the community and the people that you serve.
3. Join your professional association.
4. Keep your license active.
5. Invest in career tools such as career assessment, annual career plan, career books, etc.
6. Carol Hanson Gray, a visionary and social activist, states, “Empowerment is having the confidence and seizing the opportunity to be the true expression of who we are at all times in all situations.”
7. Four Qualities of Leadership: “The Leadership Challenge” by Kouzes and Posner.
Being forward looking, being able to see past the stuff that’s maybe not so good happening in your life or your career, and think past that
Being competent, being able to make decisions and make the right decisions to steer you in that right way
Be inspiring
8. Have a mentor.
9. Do you have a Plan B or Plan C?
10. Prioritize what is of greatest importance to you right now.
11. Hygienists are selling every day. You are selling and you are recommending. Embrace it.
12. You may need a four year degree to move your career in the direction you want to go.
13. Create a career development plan. Research what career opportunities are within your plan.
14. Join social media networks/groups, such as LinkedIn and Facebook.
15. Network and connect.
16. Hire a career coach so you can uncover all the exciting and diverse opportunities within the career of dental hygiene and dentistry. Plus, she can support the updating of your resume, curriculum vitae, and or cover letter.
17. If you are going into an interview with a dentist, for example, take time to research the dental practice via the web.
Do you dress and look like a business professional?
Do you have a portfolio and copies of your resume?
“References upon Request.”
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