Is an Independent Clinic the right choice??
The most common question I receive about why I opened my clinic is,
“Why would someone go to an Independent Dental Hygiene Clinic instead of a general dentist?”
The answer I give varies because there is no straight answer. Seeking care at an Independent clinic like River Rock Dental Hygiene has many benefits and is a personal choice. I want to outline a few of those reasons and help to answer any questions you might have!
Let’s start with the basics.
What is a Registered Dental Hygienist?
A Registered Dental Hygienist has many roles in the dental community, from scaling of teeth to applying fluoride, polishing teeth, desensitizing and placing pit and fissure sealants,educating patients on oral hygiene instruction, smoking cessation, dietary recommendations and their overall health. Your Dental Hygienist is the front line of care and can provide intra and extra oral assessments, periodontal assessments and oral cancer screenings (which are performed at each visit). Your Dental Hygienist is always evaluating your oral health and providing recommendations for areas of improvement and monitoring your progress in an attempt to achieve overall health. They work collaboratively with you and your other health care providers to ensure you are receiving proper care.
Dental Hygienists receive post secondary education in microbiology, infection control, anatomy and physiology, nutrition and health, health promotion and disease prevention and so much more. They are licensed and regulated by their governing body, The College of Dental Hygienists of Ontario (CDHO) .
What is an Independent Practice?
Since 2007, Registered Dental Hygienists have been able to practice independently from dentists. This means that they can open and run clinics that provide only dental hygiene services.
Why Choose an Independent Clinic?
You have the right to choose your Dental Hygienist and Dentist separately. You are not limited to the dental staff at your dentist office to provide your oral health care. You may choose any Registered Dental Hygienist to do your teeth cleaning just the same as you may choose a specific dentist to fill your cavities.
Independent Dental Hygiene offices follow a suggested fee guide set out by the Canadian Dental Hygienists Association ( CDHA ) which is typically 10%-30% less than the fee guide cost of a general dentists office . That’s right, you can have the same oral health care services done for a fraction of the price.
Many people suffer from dental anxiety due to past experiences in a dentist office. In Ontario, Independent Dental Hygiene clinics do not drill teeth or provide anesthetic by injection. This helps to limit the anxiety a patient my suffer which would prevent them from seeking our services. Our practice is designed to be relaxing and welcoming and we strive to provide quality and customized service.
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